With big steps towards release

To be absolutely honest… we’re excited like little kids the evening before christmas…
Only a few weeks are left until Feudal Kingdoms will be released on Steam!

not actual Blood And Pixels office footage

But now back to beeing serious. At least a tiny bit…

All the features we planned for the early access release are already implemented and work quite well.
Even the amount of bugs is managable and do not contain any show stoppers.

So what are we doing right now? To put it short -> polishing
Some features are not exactly how we planned it or how we thought that they will merge into the game and need to be tweaked.
Minor bugs are occuring here and there – of course they are – and some translations produce the on or other unwanted laughter.

One other a bit underrated task is the distribution via Steam. The whole setup and packaging took more ressources from us than expected. Also providing a version for Mac is not as easy as the usual “cross plattform” – slogan of various game engines suggest. Lessons learned.

Overall we are on track and steering forward with a good mood towards our release and are excited for the feedback our first external testers will give us. I hope the don’t bash us too mach 😉

In the meantime I invite you to visit us on Discord and Twitter
