DevLog #1
When ups and downs are so close together
Our biggest up in the past three days. We’re overwhelmed. The support is awesome and we appreciate every backer. We used the time and a new feature is almost completed. We uploaded a gameplay video to the troop designer on YouTube yesterday. Take three minutes and enjoy it to see what’s behind. 😀
Our small down
Development means technology and the technology includes hardware. The computer of our coder decided to stop working from now on. Of course you can panic, but on the other hand that doesn’t make the computer work either. So the problem will be solved. Spare parts were ordered and there will be two days of forced vacation. We all know that there are far worse things, especially after months of coding and working. 🙂 The break doesn’t apply to the others and so we will continue bit by bit.
Enjoy your day and we keep you updated guys!
We don’t let anything get us down. 😛